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Looking for players for that Hogger raid? Feel free to post here!
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Joined: 14 year(s) ago
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Posted 7:12 PM 6/22/2010

(Just noticed we had a recruitment forum here! OH SNAPS)

Reawaken is a Horde Guild on the Staghelm Server looking for a few people to round out our team! We are looking for:

1 Feral Druid

1 Prot Paladin

1 Shadow Priest

1 Hunter

We raid from 7pm cst till 11pm cst, Sunday-Thursday. I won't get into the long details but we are 12/12 10man Heroic and working on Lich King 25man Heroic. If you feel you would like to be apart of our team, drop us an app at :

If your class is not listed but you feel you are a mature and skilled player, you are more than welcome to drop an app as well!

Also, if you join us, you can kill Schoeps in WG whenever he decides to appear! >_>

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Posted 7:36 PM 6/22/2010
Dx I've already infiltrated your guild with my shammy and been considering dragging my pally to Staghelm but Crusnic was a meanie and deflated my dreams of tanking for you guys! :P
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Posted 8:06 PM 6/22/2010
Screw Crusnic..Give us a damn prot paladin that wants to win!
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Posted 9:16 PM 6/22/2010
Are you recruiting human paladins who don't have much time to play anymore by chance? ... this joke was funnier before faction changes... not much but still.
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Posted 9:47 PM 6/22/2010
If you can make the raid times, thats all everyone really cares about.

But yeah, Faction Changes killed the joke :(
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Posted 11:35 PM 6/22/2010
feral druid!?
shadow priest!? well eff me in the bum I need to find $30....
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Posted 12:26 AM 6/23/2010
A)i wish i had time to raid!!! Reawaken is so badass
and B)moose...lets talk.
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Posted 12:36 AM 6/23/2010
You dont know it yet...but you need an Ele Shammy too!
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Posted 1:38 AM 6/23/2010
lol @ kelly, she's my goddess of WoW, like fo sho.

Also, I have an elemental/resto shammy too >.> I'd be down like a rodeo clown!
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Posted 12:43 PM 6/23/2010
wow you totally turned that on
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Posted 12:48 PM 6/23/2010
whhat moose? lol srsly lol
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Posted 10:06 PM 6/23/2010
Congrats Kelly, you have a stalker.
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Posted 12:44 AM 6/24/2010
who? moose? nooooo >.>
that would be awkward.
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Posted 11:13 AM 6/24/2010
Just wait, one day you'll be able to climb into the shower and you'll hear a noise outside the door, or you'll be getting ready to go to bed and swear that shadow in the window looks like someone.
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Posted 11:22 AM 6/24/2010
well idk about her being IN the shower, but one time...
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Posted 11:43 AM 6/24/2010
i was thinking that too moose.
not like moose hasn't seen me naked. in the old days, kelly+alcoohol=nakedness
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Posted 4:25 PM 6/24/2010
Bah, you people are ruining my fun with your reality....
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Posted 4:54 PM 6/24/2010
hahahahhah XD
but my reality is so much more fun!
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Posted 6:28 PM 6/24/2010
Stalkers aren't fun? Haven't to look over your shoulder every few minutes and watching every shadow in case he's there isn't fun? If you say those aren't fun I demand to know what you think fun is!
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Posted 6:54 PM 6/24/2010
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