I have all but SP cloak for clothies and all of Leather + 2 daggers and bow, PvE Plate shoulders, PvP plate shoulders, mail agi shoulders, PvE staff, PvP 2h sword, PvE 2h axe...
It was so much easier to obtain with the actual emblems... the points are over priced imo
I read that wrong. for some reason it said BoA and I was thinking tier gear lol. BoA gear is a pain to get. lol I have all the int stuff and agility stuff... sooo many dungeons.
I know what you mean, I finish BMQ, log onto vent for the first time in about 4 months to chat and I find out my guild is basically dead. Guess I don't really need to get WoW up and running on my laptop in a hurry at least.
pretty much man, back after 3 months (the withdrawls sucked) and there's really nothing to do, mostly because I don't have the patience for raiding anymore, I got into partying, spending time with my IRL friends and my girlfriend and doing things IRL (and Black Ops >.>)